Saturday, August 2, 2008

Flutters During Implantation

prepares to Claude Dubois and host the Small Farm Expo Seduction

Price The village near Mont-Joli in Metis prepares to welcome Claude Dubois as part of the popular show Dany Turcotte Little Seduction. The purpose of the program is to seduce a Quebec personality by bringing in a village to make him discover a part of the country. You can visit the official website of the show by clicking on the title of this post.
July 16th, Price hosted the director, the assistance director, writer and researcher in locating their shooting locations. Apparently, they are confident that the people will charm Price Claude Dubois.
The public is invited to attend the reception, to the surprise and the final parade through the village streets. Filming will take place on 29-30 and Aug. 31, rain or shine.
For more information, contact Karyne Desrosiers at 418-775-6942.


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