Saturday, August 2, 2008

Buying Ganoderma In Chinatown Calgary

Relive the days of the Drava to the Canyon Gates of Hell Price

Since last year, visitors to the Canyon Gates of Hell have the chance to relive the days of log drives on the river Rimouski, along with characters from Midas time, who knows by heart the Rimouski River for having made the log drive for years, and Blanche, who is the camp of the Grand Falls o p y cook.
Performances are from Saturday to Wednesday until August 24 three times a day at 11h30, 13h30 and 15h. They last 30 minutes.
If you do not have the chance to Attend a representation, explanatory panels are very well done on the site, and the "decor" which is actually a reproduction of camp loggers of the time.
photos of this post were taken by me during a performance on August 1, 2007. To see the full album of photos I took during this visit to the Canyon Gates of Hell, on the next album:

Gates of Hell, 1 August 2007


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