Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis Post Lab Answers

Nils Udo: September-November 2010

"Today I realized my dream I painted."
The artist who says this is high stature, both physically and because of its reputation.
After devoting much of his career to create installations in nature, Nils Udo rebounded in recent years to paint.
"My job remains the same, it revolves around nature, it feeds her and trying to bring those who observe my work to her. "
When asked about photos of his artwork in nature, he talks about his paintings. Not that he is annoyed, but just that his whole being is now living by painting. How to talk to him then the great admiration I have for him and for his photographic work?
Speaking of painting course!
"In sum, today you paint with a brush, pigments, and when you paint a canvas with natural elements before on film."
"That's it!"
I found a good way to link these two facets of his work and bring Nils Udo me to speak more precisely of its paintings. Sometimes imagined landscapes, landscape sometimes real, sometimes resulting landscape of memory of its former facilities, the man painted. In his studio always, but in nature. This nature is in him and he sees no inconsistency in having spent part of his life outdoors and remain today the most of his time locked in his studio.
consistency in all this? Nature!
and just listen to his instincts, his desires, his love for nature.
And just, to ignore those who try to find a formal logic in this.
A great lesson and a wonderful exhibition that puts us in perspective and is now given by the gallery Gastaud in Clermont-Ferrand.
is what taught me Nils Udo,
This is I'll try to share with you here.
And if I do keep a memory of this moment, it would be this painting "Untitled" (because just live and not to name) that I made first by far for a photograph in which I was drowning as and as I approached.


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