Monday, July 20, 2009

Disturbed Percing Name

The museum octagonal barn

The octagonal barn in St-Fabien becomes a museum!
Built in 1888, the barn has recently undergone many renovations and was transformed into a museum tracing the history of those who have managed: Adolphe Gagnon and Angela Soucy. The latter won a prize of Agricultural Merit in 1892.
Since December 14 2006, this building is a historical monument by the Ministry of Culture.
Until September 10, 2009, you can visit the barn between 4:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. ET every day of the week. The cost of admission is $ 7 for adults and $ 2 for children. The barn is located at 129A Park Street in St-Fabien.
For information: 418 869-2088.
If you want to know more about the history of this barn and the reason for its octagonal shape, I invite you to visit next , which is very comprehensive.


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