Sunday, January 30, 2011

Church Anniversary Invitation

And what if?

And what if the Leak of information posted by wikileaks Does not Come For accidental LEAKS?

T-modle Sidekick Prepaid Hack

let nature hide its actions

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unlocking Mailbox On T7316e Nortel

no comment

Hemoglobin And Valve Replacement

The Best View is from ...

"The best view of heaven from hell IS" - Bran Symondson

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Difrence Beetween Full Board And All Inclusive?

It is still protected by ... Wikileaks


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vision Looks Like Calidascope


This scene happens before or after she it?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Woman Get Sharked On Tape

Julian Assange (Wikileaks):

"What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) and me?

I give you private information on large companies for free.
And I'm the bad guy.

Mark Zuckerberg give your private information to these large companies in exchange for money.
He is the Man of the Year.
"Julian Assange

Blood Vessel Burst In Eye Black Eye Over Face



Friday, January 21, 2011

Do Celebrities Wear Panties

Way by 2011

there it is, the 2011 edition of the festival "the way" is launched!
The call for proposals is available here .
If you feel the soul of an artist by nature and well go ahead and go for it!
The 2010 project has rewarded fairly nice (seen on the website of the association "open air").
is that good so do not hesitate! Please note, application deadline to January 31, 2011.
But at the same time is not that artists are also the spectators can admire the works of 21 March to 31 July in Villeneuve lez Avignon.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Alabama Mike Vapor Gloves


Wal Mart Wrangler Jeans

Vs Facebook?


Monday, January 17, 2011

Write Card Someone Who Just Had A Baby

The cry that comes from within ... Dictator

January 2011 "Tunisia en route to democracy." by Sondron

A big thank you to the artist Sondron is the best cartoon to the moment that symbolizes the revolution of Tunisians.

A cry that comes from within the people.

A big thank you to the artist.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cartoon Wrestling Mixed

not found

Dictator not found

Felted Slippers Crochet

No Comment.

"Jasmine Revolution"
14/01/2011 - Tunisia
aussi Called "Tunisian Twitter Revolution"

for more info:
(wiki): Revolution jasmi
(wiki): 2010-2011 Tunisian protests

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ideas That Protect A Egg

Draw the path:

ligne neige
nothing like a fresh start.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Detect My Webcam Model Online

fresh start again ...

When I went out there this afternoon, the atmosphere was hazy.
two months that I had not made out land art,
two months I languished.
For once I had nothing planned.
No projects, no preconceptions,
just let me be carried away by the ambiance, the place, the inspiration of the moment.
And more walking, the less the ideas came to me.
As if the cause was just scaring them away. And
least the ride was pleasant. This stress
Two months without making achievements
two months lost. For me, for you ...
The ride ended and I returned with just that image.
The image of a new year that promises to be different other.
I do not know what direction will "take my land art to me."
I just know more than ever it is "mine" and not "to Goldsworthy, Udo, Verschueren to ..." This will perhaps be more land art. It will be just "me".
There was a click over there this afternoon.
Franck who is going to be happy:
I think I am ready to remove teachers, guides,
I think I finally got tired of copying.
Copy her lessons to learn it well, but it comes when to use these lessons.
I think I am finally able to take some personality into my work.
So I still have a lot of accomplishments in stock you will have you stuck with the queue of next month but definitely yes, this year begins in the fog.
But it's exciting to not know where we go!

And this year is as exciting for you!