Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Glam Up A Skirt

The off-poetry festival in Trois-Rivieres Acknowledgements

In the warm memories of young poets in all of us, and the brainchild of Matthew Arsenault, Productions Arreuh organize a small girl reading poetry / Viva Three Rivers to be held at Keyword says (1538 Champlain Street) in Trois-Rivieres this Sunday, October 10 to 14 hours under the OFF-poetry festival in Trois-Rivieres.

List of players: Mathieu Arsenault

Erik Ayotte Pierre Brouillette Hamelin

Bruneau Mayra Da Costa
Catherine Cormier-Sebastien Larose
Vickie Gendreau
Erika Soucy

I look forward to that! During the evening "We can not all be Émile Nelligan" organized within the Festival Voix d'Amériques 2010, I was totally flabbergastée these texts so sincere, so pure, funny and touching and I wish well that happen again!

For my part, I think re-recite the poem to the growing success "I love you but I do not want to make love with you" (which was not part of the micro-review, in order to avoid repetition, is not it) and a new / old poem, never read in public, probably trifluvienne flavor (thus chosen for the occasion), kind to my little buddy from when I was 15 years of Cap-de-la Magdalene. Ah. David, where do you find yourself now? I hope to see you

Friday, Saturday and / or Sunday at the off, Zénob in and around Three Rivers!

For the complete schedule of the Off-poetry Trois-Rivieres:

For short in their duty:


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